IVR ivr phone system
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IVR Phone Systems

ivr phone system Database Systems Corp. (DSC) has been a leading provider of call center products and computer technology solutions since 1978.

DSC provides call center phone systems called the PACER and WIZARD series which feature our IVR (Interactive Voice Response) that processes inbound calls. The PACER supports digital phone lines. The PACER IVR system includes a modern Windows PC with Dialogic computer telephony cards. When combined with our extensive IVR software, these phone systems can perform both inbound call distribution as well as outbound calling campaigns.

OUR WIZARD IVRS (IVR system) supports analog phone lines and is our entry level call center phone system. The WIZARD phone system also supports this IVR software.

Contact DSC to learn more about our IVR phone systems and IVR hosting services.

Public Service of New Hampshire

"Public Service of New Hampshire (PSNH) is the Granite State's largest electric utility, serving more than 475,000 homes and businesses throughout the state. Our personnel includes more than 1,200 employees who work and live in New Hampshire, contributing in many ways to the communities where they reside." - www.psnh.com

DSC provides IVR phone services to PSNH using our secure data center. This service provides business and residential customer information on utility plans. This call answering service also provides the customer with the ability to speak directly with a customer service representative.

IVR Phone Systems

IVR phone system DSC offers an affordable and expandable IVR platform. Features include our easy to use IVR software that leads you step by step through the development of your own custom phone applications.

Our entry level phone is a 4 analog line IVR system which includes our simple WIZARD setup program or comes optionally with our comprehensive IVR software development toolkit.

If your calling center requires more lines, our PACER IVR system can be used in environments where hundreds to thousands of digital phone lines are required.

IVR Phone Software Tools

ivr phone software Database Systems Corp. IVR software is a simple development tool for creating interactive voice response solutions quickly and efficiently. You simply enter information into our IVR WIZARD and your phone applications can be operational in just minutes. Inbound telephone surveys and informational IVR applications can now be created and maintained in a simple and visual manner.

Using our simple IVR application software, administrative staff can now maintain existing phone applications rather than expensive programming staff.

Software created for our IVR system is portable and can be transferred to any other WIZARD or PACER phone system. Thus the investment in your phone application is not lost as your organization grows from a small analog IVR phone system to the larger digital PACER series. Flexibility and growth - keys to business success.

Call Us Today

Contact DSC for a FREE analysis and quote and to learn more about our IVR phone software and systems.